Sherlock Holmes Briar Wood Gourd Calabash Pipe
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Inspired by the classic calabash pipes constructed from hollowed-out calabash gurds, this Sherlock Holmes Calabash Pipe uses the same internal architecture; the bowl is hollowed out to provide a secondary smoke chamber for chilling and drying the smoke prior to stem entry. Made from briar wood, the calabash Briar pipes have a roomy, hollowed-out stummel fitted with an unremovable calabash cover to replicate the smoking qualities of the traditional calabash.
Diese Sherlock pipe’s bowl is expertly sculpted from fine-grained briar into an iconic calabash form. Under the meticulous workmanship of MUXIANG artisans, the beauty of heather is fully reflected. The pipe surface has undergone more than twenty production processes including baking, polishing, and waxing to achieve a smooth, delicate texture and luster.
A satiny polish finishes the beautiful golden wood grain and highlights flowing patterns over the voluptuous bowl. Apart from a little horn accent at the shank end, the remainder of the stummel has a brilliant caramel glaze that complements the color of the bowl really wonderfully. Dense birdseye decorations run front and back; tight striations go around the sides and up the shank. For pleasant smoking, a willowy, hand-shaped vulcanite stem balances the piece and bends downward.
Interpreted through a Sherlock Holmes motif, the Handmade pipe deftly combines the tactile delights of briar with the beauty of ancient calabash pipes. Its clever design and skilled workmanship will surely thrill both pipe connoisseurs and Holmes fans.
- Shape: Gift Box
- Modellnummer: kah0054h1y1k
- Material: Wood
- Markenname: MUXIANG
- Herkunft: Festland China
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