Olive Wood Straight Stem Billiard Pipe




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  Voraussichtliche Lieferung  Sep 25 Sep 28
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SKU: 3256807036661162
Billiard Pipe
Dieser Artikel: Olive Wood Straight Stem Billiard Pipe
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The Olive Wood Straight Stem Billiard Pipe is built elegantly and beautifully. And our pipe master first used olive wood for hand-carving. So why use olive wood?

Firstly, olive wood possesses excellent carving properties which allows skilled artists to make detailed designs on the surface of the pipe. So fine-grained textures of olives woods enable craftsmen to express their artistry; therefore, every straight billiard pipe becomes a work of art that is different from others.

Moreover, each Straight Stem Billiard Pipe gets unusual natural grain patterns as well as rich color variations because these are found in olive trees. The waves or spirals like those seen in sculptural designs created by nature herself make it more artistically interesting for the eyes. In addition, its smoothness and comfort in touch are achieved through the presence of natural oils within this type of wood used for making pipes such that users can hold it without feeling any rough edges. Another thing worth noting about olivewood is that it resists moisture excellently thus helping to keep tobacco dry while smoking hence enhancing the quality of smoke produced.

Another thing about this Straight Stem Billiard Pipe apart from utilizing high-quality olivewood materials; It features a billiard-style shape with a round full-bodied bowl having a large chamber size designed to guarantee even burning and enhance flavor development during the smoking process. The ratios were worked out carefully so there are the best airflow conditions possible which allow consistent draw with every puff taken.

At the top part where stummel meets the rim edge line forms a slightly upward curve leading into a gentle concave area known as the front face or fore side; this creates an attractive shape characteristic of most billiards bowls produced worldwide today. From there, the slim walls continue curving towards the bottom part until they reach the heel section. From here, the slim shank extends straight backword ending at the tenon joint point where the mouthpiece connects. The smooth transition occurs between both parts thereby producing an elegant design.

The olivewood’s rich, dark grain patterns offer a handsome contrast, while the light, on the stummel, highlights the fine vertical grain across its flanks, making this billiard style pipe even more welcoming.


  • Material: Olive Wood


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