Black sandblasted Author pipe
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Although the mouthpiece is different—the Bronzo series is fitted with a transparent amber mouthpiece while this Handmade Author pipe writer has the Elegant black style—the finishing effect of this sandblasted Author pipe is like that of the Italian Bronzo series. A double-circle ornamental line at the bottom of the pipe mouth provides intricate decorations and precisely reflects the general low-key and sophisticated aesthetics.
Though the lines are smoother and more beautiful with a hint of Italian design, this Author’s pipe exactly inherits the form and contour of the original English pipe. The broader and three-dimensional sensation of the bowl-shaped pipe head is reflected in the thick pipe stem. Just the proper balance of heat-insulating protection and a pleasant feel comes from the plump side walls and projecting pipe bottom.
Your preferred tobacco may be accommodated in the large pipe bowl; the angled mouthpiece and tapering shank produce a cold, dry smoke. You can appreciate the great traditional workmanship just as it is without any fancy filters or contraptions.

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